As we enter the official lottery for entrance to Design39Campus for the 2020/2021 school year, a few things have changed as the school enters its 7th year and we want you to know!
How do we know? Well, helping families secure housing related to their interest in D39C attendance is our biggest passion. In helping families over the past 7 years, we pay very close attention to the process!
- IT’S NO LONGER CALLED A LOTTERY. It’s now called a drawing. Design39Campus is very intentional with their lingo (check out this classic blog post for more on that!). No longer is entrance something you “win;” all PUSD students have top-notch schools they get to attend.
- THE DRAWING WILL TAKE PLACE ON A PUBLICIZED DATE. The drawing will take place this year on March 14, 2020. Applicants will be notified shortly thereafter and will have 48 hours to choose to accept admission. There is a huge advantage to knowing whether your child is admitted prior to other public school registrations.
- THERE ARE NOW 2 DRAWINGS. No longer do the 7 different boundaried tax districts exclusively govern entrance into D39C. Instead, 85% of the seats at Design39Campus are allocated to the 7 CFDs as a whole. 15% of the seats are allocated to anyone who lives within the PUSD. Two different drawings are held - one for the traditional CFD’s, and one for the remainder of PUSD applicants outside of the traditional CFD boundaries.
- THERE IS NO LONGER A DIFFERENT ALLOCATION OF SEATS WITHIN CFD’S. In years past, different tax districts received a different percentage of seats for entrance to the school. This meant that a family living in a certain tax district may have had a better chance of getting in than a family in a different tax district. The playing fields have now been leveled and the entire group of 7 CFDs as a whole get 85% of the seats.
- YOU CAN NOW LIVE ANYWHERE IN PUSD BOUNDARIES. This is a really big recent change! Now that the school has opened up seats to all of PUSD, a family at the school can now move anywhere within PUSD. This is a huge relief to families who no longer want to pay Mello-Roos, are looking for more land, or want to change where they live for a different reason.
We love answering questions and helping families understand housing as it relates to school boundaries and beyond. Feel free to contact us for any more information.
As always, this information is subject to change and is anecdotal. Team Kolker is not affiliated with the school (apart from our love for all things D39C!), so please defer to information coming directly from Design39Campus should our words conflict with anything else you hear.